AC Kershaw's latest Crime Fiction Series -The Mancunian Tales

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

A Year travelling the UK in a Motorhome - Week 8 - East Anglia - Felixstowe, Harwich, Woodbridge and a Wedding in Brighton

 TUESDAY, 21 OCTOBER 2014 Week 8

Another fun filled week with lots of travelling. As I said in my last we were at Orwell Meadows, the ghost camp, so we left early and went on to Peewit Park in Felixstowe. A lovely little park to stay in and close to Felixstowe town centre.
I quite liked this seaside town as the shopping centre was set back away from the cute little promenade of the seafront, although the weather was a bit dodgy. The flood barriers were all locked in place, and it still had the 'quaint British seaside town' about the place; despite being outside the holiday season now, it was still lovely. Even the dockland area was fascinating. We were meant to catch a ferry over to Harwich, but the ferries had stopped for winter, so we sat in the ferry café watching the huge cranes load and unload massive tankers. I can't really describe the enormity of the ships or the cranes loading the metal containers close up, but they were humongous-enormously big!

We had our first scary moment getting the van stuck in a muddy pitch; I felt a bit embarrassed leaving the campsite with a grass verge looking a bit like a ploughed-up field! Well it shouldn't rain so flippin' much should it?  When the van got stuck in a muddy pitch. I felt a bit embarrassed leaving the campsite with a grass verge that looked a bit like a ploughed-up field! Well, it shouldn't rain so much.

At the weekend, we headed back down to Brighton for a friend’s wedding day, which was wonderful. Only last year, I said, "I haven't been to a wedding for years; I'd love to go to a wedding." within weeks of saying that, we'd received three wedding invitations, and I had been proposed to and planning my own wedding day, and now we were attending our fifth wedding in less than twelve months. I love weddings and find it a huge honour to be invited. So naturally, we had a cracking day and shared a dinner table with some interesting and humorous people.
We headed back to East Anglia to continue our tour and ended up staying in the most beautiful and friendly campsite I have ever stayed in. The Moon & Sixpence in Woodbridge is a family-owned Caravan park with a gorgeous lake in the centre. They have even created a false beach and a little island with weeping willows growing in the centre. Very pretty.
The clubhouse was like walking into your own comfy living room with its own bar and chef! It also had entertainment on, which was a terrific end-of-year party with live entertainment in the form of Mel, considering a lot of parks were slowly closing down for winter. 
The owner had put on an end-of-year party with live entertainment in the form of Mel, the singer. As this park was for static caravan owners and tourers only, everyone knew one another, and everyone staying in the park made an effort to show their support. It is a bit sad that we are going to miss their Halloween party next week, but we have decided that once our tour finishes in September of next year, we will go back there for a proper stay.

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