Sapphire's special powers is to manipulate time in small ways as well as determine the age or historical details of an object by touching it. Her most prominent ability is to "take back time," literally rewinding it in a localised area to see or replay the past. Steel can freeze himself to absolute zero which gives him the ability to destroy 'ghosts', which are remnants of Time.
Theme Tune Intro

He possesses immense strength and is telekinetic, freezing people with a look or unbolting or welding metal objects.
The scariest series I thought was assignment four where the man with no face controlled people in photographs and all the children were dressed as Victorian children, but when Sapphire touched them they turned to paper. The worst bit was the shop keeper setting fire to a photograph with a woman in the window of the building screaming. Horrible, but as a child I found fascinating and glued to the box.
Space 1999

During their interstellar journey, the Alphans encounter an array of alien civilisations, dystopian societies, and mind-bending phenomena previously unseen by humanity. Several episodes of the first series hinted that the Moon's journey was influenced by a "mysterious unknown force", which was guiding the Alphans toward an ultimate destiny.
I loved this series so much and used to pretend I was on the spaceship and was some kind of alien like Maya, with special shape shifting powers.
Theme Tune and Episode
Blakes Seven

Blake is arrested and tried on false charges then deported to a remote penal colony. En route he and fellow prisoners Jenna Stannis and Kerr Avon gain control of a technologically advanced alien spacecraft. It's central computer, Zen informs them the ship is called the Liberator.
Theme Tune and Episode

Liberator's speed and weaponry are superior to Federation craft, and it also has a teleportation system that enables transport to the surface of planets. Blake and his crew begin a campaign to damage the Federation, but are pursued by Space Commander Travis – a Federation soldier – and Servalan, the Supreme Commander who used to seriously scare me. Secretly I fancied Avon and used to play Blake's 7 on my local park many times.
The Tomorrow People

Weirdly I don't remember much about this programme, but I do remember the Theme Tune and it still gives me goose bumps today. It also gives me a sense a nostalgia for the old house I was born and brought up in.
My Sci-Fi Fantasy Books
Alison's Website

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