Baden Baden – Rhine Valley Black Forest

Naturally the four man eaters amongst the group wanted to share with the boys, including one of my friends, who was like “Come on, Come in the boys dorm, it’ll be a laugh.” And I was like, “Ooh no, the bedrooms are skanky and the toilets stink!” So there you have it. Even back then when my teenage hormones were supposed to be raging I still chose creature comforts over ‘coppin’off’. Haha!

I was never really that impressed with most of the girls fashion attempts (bearing in mind this is the mid-eighties – Hair gel, blue eye-liner and candy floss pink lipstick), but one girl, to me, was a fashion icon. Her clothes were high end fashion rather than high street and her hair and make-up was just always immaculate and perfect and I wanted to be her. I was told she was an amazing singer and was destined for stardom as a singer dancer actress. Never heard from her again!

Baden Baden was fantastic though and I remember buying lots of gifts , including some German sausage for my dad, which stunk the coach out. Teachers and pupils complained bitterly, but I stood my ground and dad got his salami garlic sausage. Hahahaa.
As a spa town the swimming was absolutely amazing with hot bubble spa’s and a steaming hot outdoor pool. Granted today we have similar leisure pools in say Centre Parcs, but back in the eighties if you got a swimming pool, one made your own entertainment, which is why at 42 I can still do back flips, continuous tipple overs, handstands and dives (when Health and Safety officers allow it of course!)Tut!
As a spa town the swimming was absolutely amazing with hot bubble spa’s and a steaming hot outdoor pool. Granted today we have similar leisure pools in say Centre Parcs, but back in the eighties if you got a swimming pool, one made your own entertainment, which is why at 42 I can still do back flips, continuous tipple overs, handstands and dives (when Health and Safety officers allow it of course!)Tut!
But we all loved it so much we managed to persuade the prison guards to go back there for the last day. The trip to and from Germany was a 24hour coach and ferry trip which I’d rather not think about. Bearing in mind the Herald of Free Enterprise had sunk the week before and we were travelling to and from Zeebrugge on the sister ship. Never thought of it like this until typing, but both ferry trips were so seriously overcrowded me and my friends found a baggage storage room to sleep in away from the noise, sick and claustrophobia.
And I think that was due to them being one ferry down. It would make anyone shake their heads in derision these days that a ferry company lost a lot of lives on one ship because they didn’t close the doors before leaving the port and so they overcrowd the other ferries so people are sitting on floors or sleeping in the baggage hold. Could you imagine the outcry today? I did enjoy this holiday, albeit a bit bonkers, but at least I can say I went on a school holiday once. I still want to go back there, reminisce maybe. Who Knows? Maybe I’ll take my characters there in another Beyond Series of My Supernatural Books!