Tuesday 23 December 2014

Boredom Relief

Well I'm well into the editing process of my fourth book in The Beyond Series of supernatural fiction Lycan Lamia and I have to say it is the worst part of the whole publishing process and I hate it with a vengeance. I do struggle to keep on track and always manage to find other things better to do than have my lovely words pulled apart by an editor. Although a necessary process it can be quite brutal and I have to stand back from my creative work, looking at it from an objective viewpoint whilst trying very hard not to be offended by some of the comments made. I do get positive comments too, It's just difficult taking the negative ones on the chin.

So I find other creative things to do to occupy myself, like writing this blog and going to the movies - I recently saw the third Hobbit film. It was great to finally see the conclusion to a three year story, but unfortunately it reminded me way too much of the third film in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, lots of armies getting together for a great battle! Ooops, sorry for spoiler, but I have asked this question since. Why did they make Lord of The Rings before The Hobbit when in books terms The Hobbit came first? I find it quite odd. However, I did find the over acting and very long close up scenes amusing and wishing that French and Saunders would do a Christmas Special dedicated to The Hobbit trilogy like they did with LOTR, which was hilarious.

As my hubby and I are travelling around the UK for a year I have been looking for some inspirational places to write about in my novels, especially now I've have created a new magical mystical trilogy for teens and young adults. So, here are some of my favourite photos I've taken over the last few days in the Scottish Highlands. I knew Scotland would be lovely, but I never expected it to be so awe inspiring. I would seriously consider living up here one day.

Ullapool on Loch Broom


Highland Sunset

Castle on Highland Road

Durness Cove

Smoo Cave Waterfall

Smoo Cove

Smoo Cave Entrance

Smoo Cave Entrance

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